A Quick Hello

Well, guys, after some wedding fun and a lot of hours in cars, Bev is back in Mayberry. I headed straight to the nearby city to urgent care and got pills for the sinus infection I’ve had for a week, and haven’t done a whole lot since I’ve been here. I’m hoping these antibiotics kick in soon, because I’ve got some things to share with you all (road-tripping with Smoke and MamaG, small-town encounters, and a gym class near Mayberry). For now, I’m hitting the hay early, as Bessie and I have an early workout tomorrow, and then a “day of fun” with our dear nieces. You know, a scavenger hunt to different locations for different snacks and minute to win it games, topped off with a dip in Uncle Bart’s pool, and dirt cups. (We’re not like regular aunts, we’re cool aunts)

Anyhow, I did want to check in here and share one thing I don’t think I’ve ever told you guys about when I visit Mayberry. Whenever someone our family knows dies, MamaG saves the funeral “program” (is that what it’s called?) and puts it on the bookshelf in my room. Great uncles, old family friends, etc.

Because, let me tell ya, nothing says, “Welcome home,” like a picture of your (now dead) third grade teacher.


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